I receive a lot of e-mails about what products I use , so I thought it would be helpful to create this resource page. Many of these links are affiliate links, so if you purchase any of these items I will make a small commission. (There is no additional fee or price increase when purchasing products through these links). My Health Maven is an ad free site, so any commission I receive is used to help keep this site up and running.
Please note that all of the products listed are items that I own, have purchased or recommend. If you decide to purchase anything through these links, Thank You! I am truly grateful for your support!
You may also notice that products listed like dish soaps and detergents are fragrance free. That’s because fragrances in many products are synthetic and made with a petrochemical base….not a healthy choice.
Have you used a non toxic, fragrance free product that was helpful to your health that you think would be beneficial to My Health Maven readers? If so send me an e-mail about it, as I’m working on a list of products suggested by readers like you!