MCS Resource Page

The purpose of this page is to provide multiple resources for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). I am hoping to organize multiple MCS related resources on this one page. If it becomes to overwhelming to read I may add multiple pages at a later date.  My hope is to be constantly updating this page.  I have also added  a very lengthy page  with  MCS studies and articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

If you know of any resources that should be added please send an e-mail to

fragrance free encounters

Websites for fragrance-free information

  • Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
  • Chemical Injury Information Network
  • Environmental Health Network . Fragrance policies for Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Kaiser Permanente and information on how to advocate for fragrance labeling and legislation
  • Health Care Without Harm
  • National Institute of Building Sciences Indoor Environmental Quality Project 2005: Recommendations from the Access Board


National & Local Support Groups

Chemical Injury Information Network

Human Ecology Action League

MCS Referral and Resources

Health & Environment Resource Center

NM Department of Health 

Invisible Disabilities Network

Eastern Time Zone

Central Time Zone

Mountain Time Zone

Pacific Time Zone

Canadian Support Groups

Information Websites

How To Get On. Dozens of resource topics including government benefit programs and how to survive being housebound and disabled

The EI Wellspring. Practical Tips for Coping with Chemical and Electrical Hypersensitivity

Dr. Anne Steinemann’s Website  Resources and Research about MCS and Chemicals in Fragranced Product

MCS America Education, Awareness, Resources, Support Emphasis on recognition and activism

My Chemical-Free House  Non-Toxic tiny house and trailer designs, building materials information and pictures

Re|shelter  Articles about housing, coping with MCS. Out of date housing ads

MCS Referral & Resources. Professional outreach, patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, and prevention of multiple chemical sensitivity and multi-sensory sensitivity. Documentation of the recognition of MCS.


Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Task Force 505-983-9208 , 505-466-3622

NM Department of Health, Public Health Division 505-827-2389

NM Environment Department 800-219-6157, 505-827-2855

NM Governor’s Committee on Concerns of the Handicapped 877-696-1470 (in-state toll free), 505-827-6465


Safer Housing Ad

Our Toxic Times,  a monthly newsletter published by CIIN, has housing ads. (406) 547-2255

The Multi-Unit Environmental Housing Page at EI Wellspring.

The Environmental Health Bulletin is an email newsletter with housing ads. To join, email:

See also MCS Friends Housing Listings, our Housing Initiatives Archive and the pamphlet Tips for Finding Safer Housing.


Fragrance-Free Workplaces

Click on the appropriate title to access any of the following documents related to fragrance-free workplaces:

The CDC 2009 Indoor Air Quality Policy

The American Lung Association sample Fragrance-Free Workplace Policy

The American Lung Association sample Fragrance-Free Policy for Schools

Dr. Anne Steinemann’s research on the secret ingredients of fragranced products, which underpins the case for fragrance-free workplaces

A paper comparing the struggle for fragrance-free workplaces to that for smoke-free workplaces written by Christy De Vader, a professor at the Sellinger School of Business & Management at Loyola University

“Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employees with Fragrance Sensitivity” from JAN, Job Accommodation Network, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor

“Employer Refusal to Provide a ‘Fragrance-Free’ Workplace May Violate ADA,” an article about a U.S. District Court case in Ohio

Health Care Without Harm discussion of the fragrance issue

The fragrance-free policy of Brigham & Women’s Hospital, a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School An article from the Oregon State Bar Bulletin that discusses legal issues surrounding fragrance sensitivity and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The settlement document in which the City of Detroit agreed to establish a fragrance-free policy in its city offices in response to a lawsuit by a worker with multiple chemical sensitivity

A discussion of problems with air fresheners and other fragrance exposures in the workplace by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a subsidiary of the CDC.

A statement about fragrance-free workplaces by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

The fragrance policy of the Massachusetts Nurses Association

The Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Resources webpage titled “Caring for Kids with Asthma”

pesticide spraying

Pesticide Information and Alternatives

Non-toxic and pesticide-free pest control information. Stephen Tvedten.

National Pesticide Information Center.  (800) 858-7378.   The NPIC is a free service provided by Oregon State University in cooperation with the EPA. It’s open from 8:00am to 12:00pm Pacific time Mon.  Fri. NPIC provides objective, science-based information about pesticides and pesticide-related topics to enable people to make informed decisions.

California Pesticide Illness Query. A searchable database of pesticide exposure incidents in California including symptoms, type of exposure (drift, residue, etc.), and pesticide

PAN Pesticides Database. Pesticide Action Network database.

IPM Housing and Urban Development Search Results. Information about Integrative Pest Management in Public Housing. See especially this document , which mentions MCS

Beyond Pesticides. Organic food purity advocacy, pesticide alternatives, activism.


This page has a lengthy list of studies on MCS studies and articles published in peer-reviewed journals

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My Health Maven offers information on a wholistic approach to healthy lifestyle choices.