To create this wonderful dessert , you will need to create three separate puddings; mocha, chocolate and vanilla. After you have created these puddings, they are refrigerated overnight . They can then be layered in your favorite dessert dish and topped with your favorite fruits, nuts or coconut cream or layered with fruits and nuts parfait style. Be creative!
Mocha Pudding
1.5 T. Chia Seeds
1T. Cacao powder
1 T. Jing City
1/2 C. Almond Milk
2 T. Lakanto
Mix in bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight.
Chocolate Chia Pudding
1.5 T. Chia Seeds
1T. Cacao powder
1/2 C. Almond Milk
1 T. Lakanto
Mix in bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight.
Vanilla Chia Almond Pudding
1.5 T. Chia Seeds
1/2 C. Almond Milk
1 T. Lakanto
Mix in bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight.
Preparation :
Place mocha pudding in parfait dish, glass or bowl. Place oatmeal mixture on top of pudding. Add your favorite toppings. I used almonds, walnuts, hempseeds and cacao nibs.
These sweet little glasses are what I used for this chia pudding parfait.