Do you have a sweet tooth? I do. Raw desserts and snacks allow me the indulgence of enjoying a sweet treat with healthier, more nutritious ingredients. On the plus side this snack is also ready in minutes!
A little about some of the ingredients used in this recipe…….
Buckwheat offers numerous health benefits. Despite its name it’s not a grain, it is actually a pseudo cereal; a grain like seed that’s related to sorrel and rhubarb. Pseudocereals are plants that produce fruit or seeds. These “seeds” are frequently consumed as grain substitutes. They are also typically high in protein as well as vitamins and minerals. Many ancient grains are pseudocereals, such as quinoa, amaranth, chia, kaniwa and wattleseed. Because pseudocereals are gluten free, they are a great option if you are gluten intolerant or have a gluten allergy.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are a source of easily digestible proteins and are perfectly balanced with a three to one omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. They also contain GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), essential amino acids, antioxidants, calcium, carotene, chlorophyll, copper, fiber, iron, magnesium, phospholipids, phosphorous, phytosterols, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, D, E, and zinc.
Heart health-Coconut oil is 50% lauric acid which is beneficial in preventing numerous heart conditions caused by high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
Brain health—Dr. Mary Newport has had amazing results in treating her husband, who suffered with Alzheimer’s . This 2006 study showed immediate improvement in brain function of patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease.
Immune system health-Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It also contains antimicrobial lipids, caprylic acid and lauric acid which also help to strengthen the immune system.
Digestive health– The anti-microbial properties of coconut oil can help with fighting off parasites, bacteria and fungi that can contribute to indigestion.
Candida-Caprylic acid in coconut oil help to eliminate candida albicans.
Virus fighter-According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS and other illnesses.
Bacteria fighter– According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut kills bacteria that causes ulcers, throat infections, UTI infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia and other diseases.
The recipe…
You’ll love the ease with which this recipe is made. Don’t be afraid to mix it up and try different ingredients. No raisins?Try cranberries, currants or goji berries. Not a fan of vanilla? Just skip it and you’ll experience an entirely different flavor profile. Protein bite recipes are extremely easy to make and forgiving if you want to alter recipes.
1/2 C. Almonds
1/2 tsp. Vanilla powder
1/2 C. Medjool dates, pitted, chopped
2 T. Flame raisins
2T. Coconut, shredded, fine
2 T. Hempseeds
2 T. Water
1/2 C. Buckwheat, hulled
Process almonds to a coarse texture or meal.
Add remaining ingredients to food processor, except for water and buckwheat.
Process till mixture has a thick dough like texture.
Add in buckwheat and pulse to mix.
Add water a little at a time, if needed to hold mixture together.
Scoop into balls and refrigerate to set.
Want to give some other protein bite recipes a try?
Chocolate Coconut Protein Bites
Oatmeal Protein Bites with Chocolate