Chainmaille jewelry is made by interconnecting metal rings to one another. While it was one of the earliest forms of armor for protection in battles, it has become popular in recent years to create belts, sculptures, jewelry and more. There are more than 1,000 different chainmaille weaves, however the majority of them are simply variations on a small number of basic weaves.
I only use natural gemstones and crystals in my jewelry. The stones and crystals are not dyed, enhanced or treated in any way. Therefore, each stone is unique to itself and each design is one of a kind, due to the nature of gemstones.
I run my small business located in Colorado. My studio is a pet, smoke and fragrance free environment. No chemicals such as glues or adhesives are used in any of my beading creations. Beading is my creative outlet. I make my pieces individually, freestyle by hand and can take any inquiries by Etsy messaging. Thank you for supporting my business!
You can view and purchase any of these chainmaille designs by visiting Bluemtngemstones at Etsy or Go Imagine.